Sunday, January 2, 2011


It all started back in the years, that was the life.
In your young years it feels like weights off your shoulders.
No work, no chores, it's the life of a lazy old lady.
The best times are when you could hang out with friends all you want.
To go along with the good times, there always has to be that sunday church session where you have to get all dressed up for.
Some things were good about childhood, but the injuries brought the hatred to my childhood.
Stiches, broken bones and torn muscles lead me to believe that my pre teen years would be horrid. . . who am I kidding, life just kept getting better because I began my favorite sport golf.
Grade school was a tough time, this was the period of time when you meet new kids, this is when you begin to experience that slight awkward feeling in your stomach.
It's like you have butterflies in your stomach.
None of this stopped me from having a great time and meeting new people.
Basically this age was about overcoming fears,
I remember when I was afraid of heights, it didn't take long until I was flying high in airplane.
This age was great and many would say the best time ever, but a teenager meant more freedom.
As a teenager you begin to loose the aspect of cooties, and actually think that girls are human.
In middle school, it was like a competition, who was the best in sports?
But when you had free time, and didn't have actual homework for the first time ever it was the best feeling in the world. Middle school really didn't get me ready enough for high school.
High School is both amazing and can sometimes be frightening.
Occurring in your late teenage years, this is when you begin to get those papers where you just want to pull your hair out. With moral support and help from peers I began to look into the future and begin my career choice. Now days I can look back on all the memories I had.

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